• Phone: 03 5267 2134
  • Email: winchelsea.ps@education.vic.gov.au

School Fees

Winchelsea Primary School Council have decided to change the way we structure Parent Payments in our school for 2024.

We will be sending home a booklist at the end of the year for parents to supply educational items to use and own (e.g. textbooks, stationery, digital devices).

In lieu of asking for Curriculum Contributions and Other Contributions like we have in the past we are asking families to make a voluntary donation… any amount is welcomed. All monies received will go towards purchasing new cubby houses for our students to enjoy.

Our aim is to purchase three new cubby houses which comes to a total cost of $10,500.00.

We will be communicating the progress of donations every week in the newsletter using a donations thermometer for our families to see how close we are to reaching our goal…we are hoping to be able to purchase the cubby’s by mid year.

Parents will still be required to pay for Extra Curricular Items and Activities such as camps, excursions and sporting activities throughout the year as normal.

Nick Keating
Acting Principal and School Council Members